Financial Transparency
Information about Kosciusko County Solid Waste Management District's annual financial report, annual budget, employee compensation, revenues and expenditures, and collection data is publicly available. These are all reported through Gateway and can be accessed by following this link.
Kosciusko County Solid Waste Management is categorized as a special unit of government on Gateway's website.
If you have any questions about the information in the reports you can call us here or email us here.
KCSWMD is funded by landfill tipping fees, a small solid waste fee on property taxes, and user fees.
Kosciusko County Solid Waste Management is categorized as a special unit of government on Gateway's website.
If you have any questions about the information in the reports you can call us here or email us here.
KCSWMD is funded by landfill tipping fees, a small solid waste fee on property taxes, and user fees.