The KC Recycling DepotKCSWMD does business as the KC Recycling Depot.
The Depot provides Kosciusko County residents and businesses the ability to drop off household hazardous waste materials and electronics for disposal. More information on these services can be found here. |
About The Kosciusko County Solid
Holidays and Open Saturdays
2024 Holidays2024 Saturdays |
KCSWMD will be closed the following dates this year: January 1, March 29, May 27, July 4, September 2, November 28, November 29, December 24, December 25.
The warehouse will be open 8AM - 12PM the following Saturdays this year: April 13, May 11, June 8, July 13, August 10, September 14, October 12, and November 9.