Recycling process changes due to construction:
1. The Re-Use Room is closed until further notice. Residents are unable to pick up paint or other items at this time. 2. All recycling drop off of chemicals, electronics, paint, etc. will be taking place at the northwest door. Please enter through the alley on Union Street! 3. The alley next to the railroad tracks will be closed the entirety of construction. Please access community recycling bins from either alley off Market Street. We are hoping to keep the flow of cars moving in the above stated direction to reduce any chance of a safety event! Please be alert when you are driving around the building and lot during this project. |

Starting on June 6, we will not be accepting oil, oil filters, or antifreeze for roughly 4 weeks. There will be construction happening on the south side of the building, closing that alley and receiving door as well. Please see the graphic for locations in Warsaw that will accept CLEAN used oil!
Recycled News & Views: Our newsletter!
Want to know what's happening at KC Recycling, as well as community happenings and recycling around the nation?
We have started our monthly newsletter again and you can use this box to subscribe to it. Go ahead, put your email in - we'd love to have you! Preview the January edition here. |
Kosciusko County's source for recycling and environmental information!